Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who Goes There Storyboard

3-D Camera Techniques - 1/20/13

1- Establishing shot Ext. a view of the camp, the wind is blowing, seems quiet, almost abandoned, everyone is inside.
2- Wide Shot Int. camera pans across the room, there's underwear hanging up, people and animals all over and miscellaneous items strewn across the floor, the area is very grungy.
3- Three Shot Int. the men stand around the table, Blair plays with the ice wrappings impatiently. Everyone else is just sort of waiting around at the moment.
4- Medium Shot Int. Commander Garry walks up and pushes some hanging underwear out of his face.
5- Wide Shot Int. camera pans around from Commander Garry's point of view as the men gather at the table to listen to him.
6- Medium Full Shot Int. McReady comes up from the smoke, then starts telling the story of the creature in the ice.
7- Wide Shot Ext. fades into flashback as McReady talks about their expedition. They are at the site of the anomaly scanning what's under the ice.
8- Two Shot Int. fades back to McReady while he continues his story. The men are listening intently.
9- Wide Shot Ext. fades into the next part of the story. McReady talks about how the ship came to be trapped under the ice by falling to the Earth.
10- Medium Close Shot Int. McReady pauses for a moment as the wind picks up outside, the scar-faced chef winces as he remembers getting lost outside in the wind previously.
11- Medium Close Shot Ext. the story continues, fades into another flashback of when the creature was first dug up.
12- Wide Shot Ext. the men try to get into the ship found with the creature but their tools don't work, they even attempt battery acid to no avail.
13- Wide Shot Ext. The men give up on using their tools and bring in the explosives. The ship's engine catches and blows up more than they wanted.
14- Wide Shot Ext. the ship was completely lost and the men return to base with what little they could salvage with their steam tractor.
15- Three Shot Int. fades back to McReady as he concludes his story and gestures towards the creature in the ice block on the table.

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