Monday, January 28, 2013

Character Bio and Reference

3-D Character Modeling - 1/28/13

Name: Queen Marcion La Seya (A.K.A. Marci)
Gender: Female
Age: 3,000 yrs
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Description: Marci is the queen of all demons. Marci is a warrior, she has to be strong in order to keep the other demons in line. Her main weapon is her claws and her arms are weighted in favor of that. Marci is prideful but easy to get along with. She doesn't have much interest in being a queen but took the throne anyways in order to achieve her own goals. Marci has long curly brown hair, red eyes, and long fangs, one of which hangs out the side of her mouth. Aside from her claws, Marci also has sharp talons on her arms and legs and a spiked tail. Marci can be very intimidating when she wants to, but she makes a great friend to those she cares about.


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