Monday, January 28, 2013

Old Money New Money Storyboard

3-D Camera Techniques - 1/28/13

1- Two Shot Ext. Two boys (N. and O.) are walking through the forest casually talking with one another.
2- Wide Shot Ext. As the two boys continue through the forest they spot something glimmering in the distance.
3- Medium Shot Ext. O. crouches down to pick up the item that they saw.
4- Close Up Shot Ext. The Two boys take a closer look at what they've found and realize it's a golden acorn.
5- Two Shot Ext. N. gets excited and wants to go sell the acorn, O. tells him to wait, he has a better idea.
6- Two Shot Ext. O. explains his idea to N. about planting the acorn so it will grow and make them more money, N. has no interest in doing all that work and leaves.
7- Full Shot Ext. N. is gone and O. waits behind to do all the work himself.
8- Medium Full Shot Ext. N. bitterly walks on, not wanting to work with O. at all.
9- Wide Shot Ext. N. ends up walking until he happens to run into the goose that lays the golden eggs.
10- Fade
11-Full Shot Ext. The scene fades into several years later with O. still tending to the tree he planted.
12- Wide Shot Ext. N. several years later, showing off his fortune and living the high life.
13- Two Shot Ext. N. shows up to show off what he's got to O. who still only has a sapling.
14- Fade
15- Full Shot Ext. Fades into several more years later, N. is broke, the golden goose is dead and he has nothing left.
16- Full Shot Ext. O. is relaxing, the money tree has matured nicely and O. has more money than he needs.
17-Extreme Wide Shot Ext. N. is wallowing in O's shadow, O's hard work has paid off, N. is left with nothing.

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