Thursday, January 31, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

Character Bio and Reference

3-D Character Modeling - 1/28/13

Name: Queen Marcion La Seya (A.K.A. Marci)
Gender: Female
Age: 3,000 yrs
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Description: Marci is the queen of all demons. Marci is a warrior, she has to be strong in order to keep the other demons in line. Her main weapon is her claws and her arms are weighted in favor of that. Marci is prideful but easy to get along with. She doesn't have much interest in being a queen but took the throne anyways in order to achieve her own goals. Marci has long curly brown hair, red eyes, and long fangs, one of which hangs out the side of her mouth. Aside from her claws, Marci also has sharp talons on her arms and legs and a spiked tail. Marci can be very intimidating when she wants to, but she makes a great friend to those she cares about.


Old Money New Money Storyboard

3-D Camera Techniques - 1/28/13

1- Two Shot Ext. Two boys (N. and O.) are walking through the forest casually talking with one another.
2- Wide Shot Ext. As the two boys continue through the forest they spot something glimmering in the distance.
3- Medium Shot Ext. O. crouches down to pick up the item that they saw.
4- Close Up Shot Ext. The Two boys take a closer look at what they've found and realize it's a golden acorn.
5- Two Shot Ext. N. gets excited and wants to go sell the acorn, O. tells him to wait, he has a better idea.
6- Two Shot Ext. O. explains his idea to N. about planting the acorn so it will grow and make them more money, N. has no interest in doing all that work and leaves.
7- Full Shot Ext. N. is gone and O. waits behind to do all the work himself.
8- Medium Full Shot Ext. N. bitterly walks on, not wanting to work with O. at all.
9- Wide Shot Ext. N. ends up walking until he happens to run into the goose that lays the golden eggs.
10- Fade
11-Full Shot Ext. The scene fades into several years later with O. still tending to the tree he planted.
12- Wide Shot Ext. N. several years later, showing off his fortune and living the high life.
13- Two Shot Ext. N. shows up to show off what he's got to O. who still only has a sapling.
14- Fade
15- Full Shot Ext. Fades into several more years later, N. is broke, the golden goose is dead and he has nothing left.
16- Full Shot Ext. O. is relaxing, the money tree has matured nicely and O. has more money than he needs.
17-Extreme Wide Shot Ext. N. is wallowing in O's shadow, O's hard work has paid off, N. is left with nothing.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Who Goes There Storyboard

3-D Camera Techniques - 1/20/13

1- Establishing shot Ext. a view of the camp, the wind is blowing, seems quiet, almost abandoned, everyone is inside.
2- Wide Shot Int. camera pans across the room, there's underwear hanging up, people and animals all over and miscellaneous items strewn across the floor, the area is very grungy.
3- Three Shot Int. the men stand around the table, Blair plays with the ice wrappings impatiently. Everyone else is just sort of waiting around at the moment.
4- Medium Shot Int. Commander Garry walks up and pushes some hanging underwear out of his face.
5- Wide Shot Int. camera pans around from Commander Garry's point of view as the men gather at the table to listen to him.
6- Medium Full Shot Int. McReady comes up from the smoke, then starts telling the story of the creature in the ice.
7- Wide Shot Ext. fades into flashback as McReady talks about their expedition. They are at the site of the anomaly scanning what's under the ice.
8- Two Shot Int. fades back to McReady while he continues his story. The men are listening intently.
9- Wide Shot Ext. fades into the next part of the story. McReady talks about how the ship came to be trapped under the ice by falling to the Earth.
10- Medium Close Shot Int. McReady pauses for a moment as the wind picks up outside, the scar-faced chef winces as he remembers getting lost outside in the wind previously.
11- Medium Close Shot Ext. the story continues, fades into another flashback of when the creature was first dug up.
12- Wide Shot Ext. the men try to get into the ship found with the creature but their tools don't work, they even attempt battery acid to no avail.
13- Wide Shot Ext. The men give up on using their tools and bring in the explosives. The ship's engine catches and blows up more than they wanted.
14- Wide Shot Ext. the ship was completely lost and the men return to base with what little they could salvage with their steam tractor.
15- Three Shot Int. fades back to McReady as he concludes his story and gestures towards the creature in the ice block on the table.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Shot Types

3-D Camera Techniques - 1/14/13

The Amazing Spiderman
This is a shot from the movie The Amazing Spiderman in the scene where Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) gets covered in spiders, one of which gives him his powers. This scene is of a close shot. The close shot works out well for this scene because it gives a good view of Peter's face as he's freaking out but still shows all the spiders dropping on him. The close shot also adds to the effect of how confined Peter is, he doesn't really have a lot of room to move or get out of the way so all the spiders end up falling right on him.

The Avengers
This is a shot from the movie The Avengers in the scene where Thor is trying to fight the Hulk. The Hulk is pretty overpowering so in this shot, the camera looks over the Hulk's shoulder and down on Thor. This shot shows the difference in size between the two and makes the Hulk look that much stronger. Being that the Hulk is such a powerful and scary guy, this scene works out well for getting that idea across.

This is a shot from the movie Avatar in the scene where Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) is being chased by a Thanator. In this shot, Jake has ducked under a tree for protection. The camera at this point is looking down on Jake as the Thanator is starting to break through the roots to get to him. Jake is very defensive, he's cornered, he has his arm up to protect himself, and he looks nervous, the down shot adds to this sort of powerlessness that he has at this moment. It is also a close up shot so people can see how scared he is. The camera angles in this shot are being used to add to the level of fear and intensity of the chase.