Monday, February 4, 2013

Old Money New Money Stroyboard - Revised

3-D Camera Techniques - 2/4/13

1- Establishing Shot Ext. Shows a forest with a long path running through it.
2- Two Shot Ext. Two boys (N. and O.) are walking along the path in the forest together, talking.
3- Wide Shot Ext. The two boys spot something shimmering in the distance.
4- Full Shot Ext. O. reaches for the shiny object on the ground.
5- Close Shot Hand Ext. Shows the boys' P.O.V. as they look at the item they have found and they realize is a golden acorn.
6- Medium Close Up Shot Ext. N. reacts to the acorn with excitement, he wants to sell it right away.
7- Two Shot Ext. N. reaches for the acorn but O. stops him because he has a better idea.
8A- Wide Shot Ext. Shows gardening tools laying all over the ground then pans up.
8B- Two Shot Ext. Pans into a shot of the boys' faces as O. describes his plan to N. (N. doesn't like the idea.)
9- Two Shot Ext. N. storms off because he doesn't want to work, O. gets started on planting the acorn.
10- Wide Shot Ext. N. continues through the forest and happens upon the golden goose.
11- Medium Close Up Shot Ext. This time N. knows he'll be rich and he gets excited. The scene then cross fades.
12- Full Shot Ext. Fades into a few years later, O. is older now and has obviously been working hard, the acorn has created a sapling for a money tree.
13- Medium Full Shot Ext. N. is living in the lime-light and having fun, but the golden goose is living in very poor conditions. The scene then cross fades.
14- Wide Shot Ext. Fades through more time and O. is still working hard and his money tree is starting to look pretty good, but N. decides to come by and brag about how much better he is doing without having to do as much work. The scene then does another cross fade.
15- Wide Shot Ext. Fades into O. in his older years, the money tree is now quite profitable and O. no longer needs to do as much work maintaining it. In his leisure, O. can't help but wonder what has become of his old friend N.
16A- Close Shot Grave Ext. Shows a close up of a grave marked for the golden goose. The Scene then zooms out.
16B- Wide Shot Ext. Zooms out to reveal N. who's in pretty bad shape, the goose is gone and he has nothing left.
17- Wide Shot Ext. A limo pulls up behind N. as he mourns the loss of his goose.
18- Wide Shot Ext. N. looks to the limo and O. pops out to offer his condolences and a little bit of money to N.

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